Friday, December 12, 2008

I feel special today

It's been quite a week.  First, someone flagged my blog (I'm so proud).  And now, Ray Comfort deep-sixed one of my comments. 

This calls for a drink...


Darwinsgirl said...

Give us a link!

Shawn said...

What the hell--? Why would anyone flag your blog? Good Lord ...

I too have Internet enemies; more than I can probably count, from a stalking ex-girlfriend to various trolls mortally insulted by my rants and raves. And oh, well. To hell with the lot of 'em.

Hope this finds you in a better place this morning, my friend!

ScottE said...

The blog post that I tried to comment on can be found at

Ray is a special person, and has special rules about posting comments. I made sure I followed every one, but my comment never appeared (and still hasn't). The gist of the comment was that he was a truly horrible person for trying to create parody out of tragedy. You'll have to read the entry to understand.

And thanks Shawn. I'm guessing someone took offense at something I've written. Some people think they have the right to never be offended.

FrodoSaves said...

I stopped posting at Ray's because the delay that results from his moderating rules makes it very difficult to debate with other people. Plus the deceit is insidious.

You're right, it is disgusting that he used that woman's tragic experience for his own ends. Even if he doesn't listen, good on you for persevering.

Any idea why you were flagged?

ScottE said...

Not sure why I was flagged. Some people have no ability to express themselves in words and turn to the only other option they have - trying to silence others.

FrodoSaves said...

Some people have no ability to express themselves in words and turn to the only other option they have - trying to silence others.

Plus that "flag blog" button at the top of the page is just so tantalizing. I'm tempted to push it right now... No, just kidding. There is no "flag blog" button on the comments page.

ScottE said...

Fortunately, Frodo was all about resisting temptation.

FrodoSaves said...

Fortunately, Frodo was all about resisting temptation

Strange, I'm normally such a good sinner.